The perfect book to teach your little ones about the basics of finance, giving them a head start for success. 

What's all the fuss about?

The A-Z of money was specifically designed to equip your little ones with real life skills. How many times have you said or heard someone say "I wish I learnt that in school" or "no one tells you how to pay your taxes or do your banking in school".  This book aims to change that by introducing basic financial ideas to your children in an easy to understand format and illustrations to further demonstrate the concepts. We think all kids have the potential to grow up and be the next Elon Musk, they just need the right foundations. 

We think its great but don't just believe us

Talking about money and finance with your kids can be difficult given the complex nature. However this book simplified the whole subject and our kids have learnt so much. Its a great base. 

Stephen P

I am certainly no expert when it comes to finance and managing money but it was something I wanted my kids to understand. This book laid it out in a simple and fun way. 

Sue S

We got this book for our daughter, I thought it would be a fun way for her to start understanding basic finance. The first night we read it to her I turned to my husband and said, "my gosh, I have learnt something" Great book for kids and parents! 

Natalie M

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Who are the authors?

A-Z of money was written by Hayley and Jeff Brooks, this father-daughter duo wanted to create a book that equipped children with real life skills.  Jeff is the father of five children and five grandchildren and learnt some costly mistakes that he wanted to avoid his children repeating. He raised 5 successful children, who greatly benefited from his financial education and who have gone on to create financial freedom for themselves. Hayley is the middle of the 5, she always had a keen interest in business and finance and has enjoyed a successful career in real estate whilst also building an investment  portfolio. They hope that this book brings knowledge to current and future generations.